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Carbon Fiber Collar Stays 碳纤维领撑

2014-09-25  人气:


Most people will never see your collar stays, but you know you’ll have them, and lets face it…you are the man. That’s why the collars of your dress shirt need to be kept straight by carbon fiber. Take a look at our latest addition to the store, carbon fiber collar stays:

For those that don’t know what collar stays are, here’s a little background. Most dress shirt collar have little pockets on the underside of the collar, and many times come with plastic collar stays when you buy the shirt. They help keep the collar stiff and crisp for a clean look. Plastic ones are cheap, flexible, and they can melt if you forget to take them out when ironing. High-end collar stays are typically made out of materials like stainless steel or titanium. What if you travel a lot, or you’re a lawyer that has to go through metal detectors in court? That could be a pain having to remove them every time. That’s where carbon fiber steps in to save the day. Since carbon fiber has no metal, these will not get detected by metal detectors, saving you a lot of time and hassle. Not to mention they’re extremely light.


Each set of carbon fiber collar stays comes with two pairs of stays; a 2.5″ long pair and a 3″ long pair. This will ensure it accommodates the majority of dress shirts out there. They come in a great looking glass container that looks great on your dresser and will help make them easy to access in the morning.


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