伦敦设计师Timothy Schreiber设计了这款碳纤维椅子,厚度仅为5MM,重量2.5公斤。在表面做了精加工和高亮处理。与英国领先的航空航天以及赛车田艳伟制造商Fi-tech Ltd合作生产这款椅子。该公司表示:“我们生产地球上最快最轻的车,现在我们又参与了有史以来最轻最薄的椅子生产,这让人高兴。”椅子将在伦敦100%设计展上于2011年9月22日到25日亮相。
Timothy Schreiber
Timothy Schreiber is a London-based, German-born architect and design artist.[1] Schreiber is mainly known for his furniture designs which have won multiple awards including the Red dot design award in the years 2006, 2007, 2008 making him the only designer having won this award in the category furniture three times consecutively. In September 2009 a modified version of his e_volved table based on only 2 different parts was launched at maison d'object in Paris under the name e-Volved table by Dutch manufacturer FueraDentro. Schreiber's limited edition items are mainly represented by the Wexler Gallery based in the USA. Schreiber is also a member of the Saatchi Gallery in London.
Carbon Fiber Design Works:
