美国洛杉矶的 Synperia 设计工作室推出了一款名为 Ergon Nomos 的椅子,设计师充分发挥了碳化纤维材料在打造产品形体方面的潜力,为 Ergon Nomos 塑造出婀娜多姿的形体。
Ergon Nomos 椅子是 Synperia 工作室推出的首款产品,这款椅子的椅背造型贴合自然的人体背部曲线,同时体态非常轻薄流畅,从侧面看上去时就像是在白线上随手画出的一根线条一样,非常美观。
另外,Synperia工作室介绍说:“Ergon Nomos椅的曲线中包含了设计师想要发掘碳纤维材料强度及属性的愿望,该椅独特的曲线式结构要求椅背及椅面间弯曲部分的厚度达到一定的标准,这样才能在椅背顶端及椅面前端实现越来越轻薄的走向。” 本文来自123
Less is More: Ergon Nomos Chair by Synperia
Here's a real treat for the minimalist buff: Los Angeles-based design and fabrication studio Synperia has launched their inaugural product, the sleek and thrillingly sinuous Ergon Nomos Chair.
According to the studio, the shape of the chair "began as a trace of a person’s back, in charcoal on a 6’’ piece of butcher’s paper". It is also an acute exploration of the strength and flexibility of carbon fiber – an extremely lightweight material usually reserved for the aerospace and automotive industries due to its high cost.