位于瑞士Rapperswil的拉珀斯维尔技术学院(HSR)材料技术和塑料加工研究所(IWK)通过在树脂传递成型中使用熔芯技术,成功地为Da Carbo AG公司开发出一种碳纤维小号。
该研究所的负责人Frank Ehrig告诉《欧洲塑料新闻》说,这种塑料小号还更易于演奏,因为所需的空气压力较小。他补充说,经过苏黎世市政厅管弦乐团的小号演奏家们的使用,未在演奏中发现与黄铜小号在音质上有任何差别。 123,123
这种小号是IWK与Carbo Horns Swiss公司(即DaCarbo公司的前身)合作开发的,这家位于瑞士Lachen的公司在2009年创建,创始人是曾供职于MusikSpiri公司并在小号制造方面有30年丰富经验的Werner Spiri和瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的材料科学家Andreas Keller。
Keller说,Da Carbo小号能够发出柔和而又醇厚的声音,因为其所用的材料相比黄铜能更好地抑制能耗较大的壁震动。
The IWK materials and plastics processing institute at HSR university in Rapperswil, Switzerland, has developed a Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) trumpet for DaCarbo by using lost core technology in resin transfer moulding (RTM).
To make the trumpet, IWK used a two part-mould. Each part has an aluminium end-piece and a diecast bismuth-tin alloy core, and receives a preform consisting of several braided hoses for resin impregnation and curing. The finished cured trumpet body is removed then the lost cores are melted in a hot water bath for re-use, along with the aluminium end-pieces.
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The trumpet, exhibited at Fakuma 2011, has no condensed water pitting corrosion, which often happens with brass trumpets. It is also more robust, weighs less and needs fewer adjustments before playing, says IWK.
The institute's head, Frank Ehrig, told European Plastics News the trumpet is also easier to play because it requires less air pressure. Trumpet players at the Zurich Tonhalle orchestra have not detected differences in tone quality over a brass trumpet, he adds.
IWK developed the trumpet with CarboHorns Swiss, now DaCarbo, founded in 2009 by Werner Spiri, who has 30 years experience in making trumpets at his Musik Spiri company, and Andreas Keller, a material scientist at the ETH university in Zurich.
Keller says the DaCarbo trumpet produces a warm, full-bodied sound, as it suppresses energy-consuming wall vibrations better than brass.